
3 of the 12 restaurants crowned by the GaultMillau 2020 in Geneva have EHG graduates as their patrons

While hotels and restaurants are very modern sectors, one thing has been the case for decades: Switzerland is a perfect place to learn! Exceptional quality establishments, highly renowned courses and the Swiss industry: a “MUST”.

With its top-class infrastructure and its great tourist tradition, Switzerland is the ideal country to train for all the professions in this sector, which is not in crisis.

Open day hotel management school - Open house at hotel management school geneva journée portes ouvertes a l’ecole Hôtelière

Open day at the Hotel School

During the Open day event, on October 4th, several presentations will be given on our school, its academic programes, admission requirements and students.

You are a high school pupil or student and you want to become part of the fastest growing economic sector in the world.

Get a diploma in hotel management in a swiss hotel school | Obtenir un diplôme en hôtellerie restauration à l'Ecole Hôteliere de Geneve en Suisse

Advantages of studying at Hotel Management School

For your diploma in hotel management, the Hotel Management School of Geneva offers a complete course that covers theory and practice (internships) in industry, finance, management and communication as well as catering, beverage and accommodation operations.

Undertaking a diploma course is an opportunity to embark on a study programme to obtain a three-year diploma in hotel management (generalist course).